PEC Excellence Awards announced to acknowledge outstanding contributions of engineers

ISLAMABAD, Sep 20 (APP): Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) has announced “PEC Excellence Awards” to decorate those outstanding engineers encompassing industry, academia, Research and Development, policy formulation and allied aspects.

According to an official of PEC, the awards have been announced to acknowledge the contribution or services of the engineers towards socio-economic development.

This would help acknowledge their enormous role in the development and progression of our homeland, especially mega projects of strategic importance making use of indigenous resources as well as encourage them to continue their role in national development on the lines of other Civil Awards.

About the objective of the awards, the official said that the awards are meant to recognize the outstanding services and worthy achievements of eminent Pakistani Engineers who have made notable impact in national interest and contributed significantly to the country’s social and economic development.

About the categories, the official informed that the PEC Excellence Award would be conferred in the eight different categories to cover all aspects of recognition towards contribution and services of notable engineers, whether local or expatriate.

These categories included Lifetime Achievement for Distinguished National Service, Academia and Research, Innovative and Emerging Technology Development, Young Technopreneurs, International Associates, Engineering Policy, Regulations and Advocacy, Engineering Consultancy Services and Infrastructure/ Construction Industry.

As per the eligibility criteria for nominations, the nominations will be made through respective institution or Higher Education institution or professional body/ industry/technical organization (legal entity) or by 02 eminent engineers fulfilling the same criteria or the Committee itself.

The nominee must be an Engineer with valid registration with PEC and have at least 15 years of experience in engineering profession (academia, industry, R&D, Construction Industry, etc.), except category.

For Category Young Technopreneurs, the experience should be up to 15 years. For all the categories except International Associates, the nominee shall be Pakistani national and have significant contributions in Pakistan while for the International Associates category, the nominee may be expatriate and foreign nationals who contributed towards national interests of Pakistan.

The nominations shall be made through respective institution/ HEI/ professional body/ industry/ technical organization (legal entity) or by 02 eminent engineers satisfying the eligibility criteria.

The nominating body can submit nominations for different categories and a nominee may be nominated for more than one category while self-nomination will not be entertained.
The format of the award will be a “Gold Medal with a Certificate”. The nominations can be submitted online till the deadline of October 03, 2023 (Tuesday).

About the evaluation mechanism, the official informed that a high-level Committee has been constituted to oversee the entire process for the award, from policy formulation to evaluation of nominations.

The evaluation for the Award is based on academic distinction and research, achievement or outstanding performance in Engineering, Science and Technology, inventions of national importance and distinguished or outstanding services rendered towards economic development beyond the call of normal duty in the larger national interest.

The evaluation criteria for the assessment of the nominations have been based on well-defined parameters and scoring in-line with similar national and international awards like Civil Awards and others besides impact of the contributors in terms of social and economic indicators.

The award will be conferred every year upon the outperforming engineers in the country as well as expatriates who have contributed to the socio-economic development of Pakistan.

The scrutiny and evaluation of nominees will be carried out by PEC Excellence Award Committee as per the approved criteria and reserves the right to reject any nomination.
Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) established under Act of Parliament 1976, being the statutory body for regulating engineering profession and quality of engineering education, is functioning as a key driving force for achieving rapid and sustainable growth in all national, economic and social fields.

The Council has played a progressive role by making landmark achievements in all directions of engineering at national and international levels, besides extending expert support to the Government as a Think Tank in all sectors.