PMDC clarifies news on FIA investigation

ISLAMABAD, Dec 22 (APP): Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) has taken notice of the news appearing in the media, creating confusion amongst the public regarding FIA’s investigation into the council affairs.

According to a PMDC spokesperson, the FIA has started an investigation into corruption charges against some of the officials of the PMDC.

He said that the Director General FIA has ordered the inquiry on the complaint of the Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination.

He said that an inquiry has been started to investigate the alleged extortion of over 60 million rupees by some PMDC officers against outstanding payment of arrears of a federal allowance to the council employees, alleged irregularities in recognition of some medical and dental colleges and alleged illegal registration of some unrecognized qualifications, etc.

The FIA has recorded 10 statements of the employees and has registered a criminal case against the Deputy Director of Legal, verification officer and others regarding corruption charges.

The FIA has also summoned records from the PMDC regarding payment of federal allowance arrears to the employees, details of recognition of some medical colleges since 2020, inquiry reports against officers and a list of doctors under disciplinary proceedings whose licenses were previously suspended and then restored since 2021.

The PMDC being a professional organization is fully cooperating with the FIA in the inquiry as per its regulations and will take stern disciplinary action against any employee found guilty in the enquiry as per law.