NA holds six sittings during 39th session: PILDAT

ISLAMABAD, Jan 13 (APP):Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development and Transparency (PILDAT) on Thursday issued its report regarding parliamentary session and stated that the 15th;National Assembly of Pakistan held six sittings during 39th session held from December 22-31, 2021.

According to press release, these sittings were held on December 22, December 24, December 27, December 29, December 30, December 31. During the 39th session, the National Assembly met for only 3 hours and 58 minutes with an average time of 39 minutes per sitting.

The longest sitting lasted for 1 hour and 3 minutes held on December 30, 2021 while the shortest sitting was held only for 12 minutes on December 31, 2021.

During the 39th session of the National Assembly, two government bills were introduced while no Private Member’s Bill was introduced. No bill was passed during this session and only one bill was referred to the committee.

No new ordinance was laid in the National Assembly and eight Ordinances were extended during the session.

Out of 6 sittings, quorum was pointed out four times in four sittings (66.67%). During the whole session, 3 or 50% sittings were adjourned due to quorum pointed out.

The Senate of Pakistan held four sittings during 316th session held from December 22-29, 2021.

These were held on December 22, December 24, December 27 and December 29. The Senate met for 12 hours and 2 minutes during 316th session with an average time of 3 hours per sitting. The longest sitting held lasted 4 hours and 26 minutes on December 27, 2021 while the shortest sitting lasted for 1 hour and 59 minutes on December 22, 2021.

All of the sittings were held with an average delay of 2 minutes and 30 seconds. During 316th session of the Senate, no Government bill was introduced while 3 Private Member’s Bills were introduced which were referred to relevant committees. Total three bills were passed during the session. No Ordinance was laid or extended during the whole session.

On an average 8.01% agenda items were left over during 316th session of the Senate. The maximum agenda items left over were 18.18% on December 27 while the minimum, i.e., 4.76% were left over on December 29.

Quorum was not pointed out during the whole session. Average attendance of Senators during 316th session was recorded at 66% (66 Senators present per sitting).